Crystals can help us in our everyday lives in a myriad of different ways. There are crystals that help with confidence, crystals with a healing aura and crystals that can offer protection. I'd love to share with you one of the master healer crystals. Quartz. This white crystal is a wonderful everyday crystal, and one I always keep close to me. It amplifies my energy, which for me helps with the everyday stresses of my life and helps me more easily attune to the angels. Finding harmony and balancing one's energy system is so important to how we handle all of life's stresses and pressures- it gives us the power to move forward with our everyday lives.
Quartz makes a wonderful gift for seniors who may be starting their trials right now, aiding in memory, concentration and focus. If you are so guided, my Jewellery shop is now open, with a variety of different crystals and settings available. For the month of October I am offering 15% off on all jewellery with discount code: healing crystals as well as free shipping for orders over $75. Visit my shop here
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